Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stream of Consciousness 1

Go back to work.

Drink your coffee and amphetamines and work.

I feel bad, the coffee makes me weak.

Like a human being falling short of the mark. You can't work without it can you?

I want my girlfriend, where is she?

She's not coming, you must go to her. Find a job, find the money.

It's not coming that quick, nothing is that easy.

Jilting, jilting, jilting....

The teacher explained that word, and she mentioned the importance of knowing the words that are used.

Will I see my deathbed I wonder?

This room is big here, in this library.

It's been a long time since I used a place like this, to get work done.

It's strange, and quiet. Everyone is quiet.

The last time I went to place with this many books, this many people,

it was in China.

It was not quiet. It was loud, footsteps and echoes of people ignoring the rules.

The building was brick and minimalist...

Where is my girlfriend?

I went outside just now, I needed a cigarette after that story,

after every story.

How can i read so much and not write? Like a basket of fries without ketchup.

There are books lying around, books stacked neatly on shelves, and I'm sure there are books in a bin somewhere, read and discarded again.

"The Face of a Killer," Burcell. It can't be good.

Trash fiction with a plot and perspective.

I bet it's some alter-ego cry for attention. I wonder what Robin Burcell looks like?

I'm nervous, when will I see my baby?

I need another cigarette, but it makes me weak.

I am sick, tired of studying, tired of it all...

The coffee wakes me up, attent and careful with my hands,

as they shake and make it hard to write.

It makes me weak, thirsty and I am sick.

Purple shirt lady, fat and lonely.

Whispering to herself, looking at trash fiction.

She lets out a heavy sigh, looking for a book on a print list of papers in some plastic binder.

Pulling out a book about cat fiction...she lets out a sigh.

Where's Waldo...whisper whisper.

Who is this lady?

Where is my girlfriend, sleeping I'm sure.

I'll see her soon, and for a duration longer than this thought process I hope.

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