Saturday, October 16, 2010


"what do you mean?"

"what do you mean, 'what do you mean?' Look at the wall, its blue and red!" The tall wall in his loft was splattered with blue and red paint, when hours earlier when he left for work it was some sort of white, like cover creamer or eggshell.

"you don't like it?

"man, i liked white! it's simple, white. a base! now i have a twenty foot patriotic wall, of colors i don't like and resembling a country i don't like!"

"you don't like this country?"

"don't change the subject, man. paint my wall back to white!"

"wait, wait, wait. you said you don't like this country...."

"no damnit, i don't like this country." He let out a sigh. "people just take everything for themselves, the government is arguing over media country and slandering the other party, bi-partisanship is some figment of a greater plain, and the ability to same what you want, when you want spawns not creativity, but further hate."

"you don't like being able to speak out?"

"the point is, if you want to write a novel, you don't read other peoples books before doing so. you just lock yourself in a room, or a place that spawns some sort of emotion and do it. our freedom to speak out only dumbs down the nation, no original thought, just some ongoing thought cloud, floating along the skyline, raining down simple words from someone else's mouth." he throws his hands up and point at his wall. "my wall is frigging blue, man! i hate blue, man!"

"so you're saying you'd rather live in a country where you get beat for speaking your mind?"

"not necessarily. how about living in a country where people take organized action through direct appeal, and before you have thirty thousand people marching at our capital with a vague idea of what is going on because they heard it spewed from some guys mouth on tv, you have some man, with enough pent up feelings and creativity to bore a movement through emotion and not fear tactics using words."

"you sound like a mad man, someone with vague ideas..."

"it's because we're allowed to talk freely about anything! i haven't time to process what i say!"

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