Monday, August 17, 2009

why so mr. zen

Originally uploaded by faultyplans
writing. writing is an act of immortality.
the way a word is said, from moment to moment varies, but a written word will remain written the same, unless of course language changes. but even of the classical english translated, the meanings are understood.
writing is an act of selfish immortality. my words are better than yours, and in my elitist skill i develop, i will just show you and everyone else.
in writing i may create, recreate or destroy. i may categorize or i may debunk. it's my freewill, and as long as i decide to holster this gun, i will remain better than you.
with writing comes the ability to be classical, or to be romantic. i can break down my meaning, word for word, reading between the lines. as an artist would paint, i'll write letter after letter, stroke for stroke, and really see what it all means. i can be lazy with my prose though and look only at what i've done, not what i've come from. the ability to see the meaning, or the it.
i've waved no rights to sit here and proclaim beauty in this, nor have i surrendered any freedom to describe its underlying form. i just sit. inside or outside, the ten thousand things in front of me or behind. i just sit, and i just write.

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