i want to sit and type out my excitement!
i wish to dissect the world and tell people of the wonders i have learned
my internal teacher, my spirit guide.
i wish to stand on my foot high soap box and elaborate on the zen,
the zen the classical world has romantically abolished.
i want to explain the balance of things,
to the convoluted persons bouncing their heads off inanimate objects,
rebounding to bounce and rebound to bounce.
bouncing from brick walls and red tin roofs.
those tiny pinheads ping-ponging across
television screens and off radio air-waves.
i wish to sit down now.
due to the empirical overload, zen is outdated and fated.
fated to die off as those who bounce all too well forget.
they forget of the the intangibility this world really holds on to.
what was once about expansion and progression of thought,
has become expansion and progression of material wealth.
it has become not about how one transcended from one's expedition through a wailing fjord
it has become about how one descended from one's ford expedition without wailing.
those who bounce off the intangible words towards immediate pleasure,
eventually bounce into a state of apathy and stagnant tangibility.
for those convoluted bouncing balls,
i become pretentious and quick-witted.
for those oppressing forces that bounce in to life,
i become rounded and repellant having learnt that things bounce out just as they bounce in.
this mass appeal with immediate pleasure,
reminds me of the affliction of addiction.
the romantic idea of immediate orgasmic gratification
doesn't sound romantic when it is translated as,
the black tar hypodermic needle head puncturing a vein.
instant orgasmic pleasure.
buy the car! you need it.
buy the stereo, you'll enjoy it!
listen to the words without question, it'll be easier!