walk outside my room, into the commons.
its a double wide dream lobby.
two peach flavored floral sheets,
once covered two beds, now cover two muck couches.
no one sits in these seats, and they are lonely.
there is a tv in the center lobby,
household turned wall-less kitchen living space duo,
living area duo slowly forgotten turned walkthrough,
add nice vinyl tile, checkered green and white
transform walkthrough into kitchen lobby combo.
nifty the way this type of thing works.
add three additions to double wide dream world.
private bathroom in two of the third,
add mock-up common toilet room for the remainder of rooms.
six room double wide monster.
paint it blue, and we now have the place in which i reside.
old landing road,
where drunks and fall-backs crash land.
and i wonder what will become of my two quasi-roomies.
the ones that don't take kindly to me,
because i rolled in my first night, binky in my mouth,
luggage in hands.
those two in the front, who are constantly bickering.
shes pregnant by the way.
cigarette smoking two-hundred-forty-pounds of one half bickering couple she is.
the other half is an institutionalized poke in the side.
the kind of annoyance that hits you the wrong way.
he is the drunk guy at the end of the bar you wish to give a wide berth,
and my five foot short fuck self has no interest in living with one of those people.
but what i do wonder is,
what will become of those two, who argue every night,
about football and life.
they're going to have a baby i'm assuming.
but is this weekly rental spot really the spot to raise a child?
more so, will my landlord, this man's so-called family
will he kick this guy to the street.
night one, walk in binky in mouth, pacifier pacifying only me,
making the others more concerned.
here comes mr. one half of bickering couple bouncing into my closed-door
no knock, but an entrance.
find me with this bunk-bed support beam on my back in an awkward position
"let me show you something"
i respond, "just a moment man, i'm in the middle of making my bed"
he grimaces.
he leads me through the green checkered lobby to the bathroom,
i notice his limp,
i notice a picture of a flower, frame screwed to the wall.
he shows me the bathroom that has only one light,
and tells me not to pee on the walls or fuck up anything because,
my landlord,
my savior for week forty of fifty-two
is like family to him, and he'll defend him likewise.
what a threat.
more so, what a greeting.
don't pee on the wall boy, or you might just get knocked the fuck out.
now because of that,
i don't piss in that bathroom,
nor do i sleep well at night.
thanks tall douche-bag with bickering girlfriend/wife.