eleven eleven rolled me out of bed,
made a wish to pass back out,
my wish didn't come true.
called the father to aleve his worry,
called the dad to ask for guidance.
they say it's cold with cold showers in naknek,
i think about that as i take my warm shower.
i think about chinas cold winter,
china's no HVAC heating
china's chilling shower.
i think about that as i take my warm shower.
up and about, time to walk,
but material and music is on my mind.
clouded by this, we walk
destination: capitalist wastebasket
translation: Walmart
Sam walton would be proud i mentioned the all-american name
especially in the last american frontier.
the final american frontier.
continue on this walk to the woods
destination now: east bound
i mentioned diablo 2
he walks to the east, always the east.
arrive to 'roger woods,' current destination
arrive to misleading development
community of mass-populace
private gated community with no guards.
goose lake thrills mild the tension
paddle boat mayhem killed the high
mosquito mayhem killed the cool
the right sided comrade was upset his shorts weren't skeeter repellant
right sided brilliant comrade was upset
left sided scitzo swallowed sweet "i told you so's"
return to this home, the hostel
there, it was quiet
smelling of swedish pan fried chicken
smelling of pasta and salmon fillets.
must escape... the content, full belly grew inpatient
whens the next meal arriving sir?
to the park to meet the merry men of marijuana
they weren't around, therefore drunken was the next goal
destination: arrival, earlier than expected.
sitting drunk there
and sudden appearance of simpleton texan
he's called billy,
i call him holmes.
but thats what i call all the faces.
wasting away in the middle of the disk golf course
golf clap, golf clap and re-golf clap
stop for a moment to let the mosquittos catch up
and while we waited for our blood sucking buddies to finish their meals
we watched the drakes and other mallards meander about
that far mountain,
peaked with its sno-cap candy covering
looks tastey
so i divise my plan on how to eat the landscape.
left sided comrade complains eating isn't enough,
sitting is where it's at.
the glimmer from the lake,
majestic and polluted
population control some call it.
peda cries blasphemy!
tecken arrvies.
tecken leaves.
our sudanese friend
our comrade in cannabis culture
the night before he took us to the point
a cape.
a place.
the american west.
the final frontier.
the... list continues
and here, where the eagles dare,
we smoked.
sudanese refugees meander about
pushing pebbles around with his air ones and true religion pants.
air one: $100 (a conservative guess)
true religion: $250 a pair.
true americans, real consumers.
sudanese boy said, "you could shoot them down"
american paranoia raged, "terrorist!"
sudanese boy said, "you could shoot them down they are so low"
i said, "thats what i want to do for a living"
i meant flying.
where the airplane flew low,
we fired fake rifles into the air.
those pricks flying that plane didn't want to play imagination.
business is business
and work kills kids.
even in the final frontier,
alaska, where the orphaned boy drew the flag.
alaska, where the sun never sets while graham is looking.
that sun... that jerk.
until tomorrow i think
mr. yellow dwarf said not so fast.
until tomorrow...